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Info On the Cast of Gundam Wing and Cardcaptors

Gundam Wing

Heero Yuy:
Colony: L1
Gundam: Wing Zero
Personality: Heero is very aloof and prone to giving death glares. He doesn't greatly value human life, and values his own the least. All he really cares about is completing his mission and jumping at the opportunity to self-destruct. He greatly cares for the pacifist, Relena Darlian, though his lack of emotion doesn't allow him to express it very well (it's a read-between-the-lines kinda thing...)
Past: Since he was a child, Heero has been trained to be the 'pefect soldier'. As the result, he shows little to no emotion, is very proficient at martial arts, has an affinity for guns, can withstand great amounts of pain (not to mention reset his own broken bones...), and is very determined to complete his missions. Not much else is known about his past except that his real name isn't 'Heero Yuy.'

Duo Maxwell:
Colony: L2
Gundam: Death Scythe, Death Scythe Hell (Custom)
AKA: Shinigami, God of Death
Personality: Duo is outgoing and very talkative. He is a good friend and this particularly comes through in his persistant friendship with Heero. Although many people -- mostly fic writers -- tend to think of and portray Duo as being the dumb one, he is actually quite a bit smarter than he appears. Of course, whenever he shows his true character, he usually shrugs it off...
Past: Duo is a war orphan. As a young child he lived in the streets with a gang of other war orphans. When is best friend and leader of the orphan gang, Solo, died, Duo took on the name of Duo so that Solo could live on with him. Later, Duo was taken into the Maxwell church. At the church, Sister Helen gave Duo his braid, and there he received his trademark priestly attire. After the church was destroyed, Duo took on the last name Maxwell, and the rest is, well, not history, but anyhoo....

Trowa Barton
Colony: L3
Gundam: Heavy Arms
AKA: No Name
Personality: Trowa is quiet, pensive, and stoic as a monk (and just as eerie... O.o') He is able to be at once aloof and magnetic. Trowa is sorrowful and determined, and he has trouble accepting the fact that there are people who care about him. He is one sad clown...
Past: Trowa was separated from his family as a baby and was trained to be a soldier from a very young age. It is most likely that he is Triton Bloom, a child lost to the Bloom family. This would explain his connection to Catherine Bloom. Trowa was known as No Name until he took the place of the real Trowa Barton as the pilot of Heavy Arms.

Quatre Raberba Winner
Colony: L4
Gundam: Sandrock
Personality: Quatre is modest and sweet. He also has a very strong set of morals and principles, hence is desire to only kill and create destruction if it is necessary -- not to mention his tendancy to ask his enemies to surrender before actually attacking. Quatre is a firm believer in the good side of humanity (virtue, chivalry, and all that good stuff...)
Past: Quatre is the heir of the Winner fortune. He is also the youngest child and only boy in a very large family (he has 31 older sisters... yikes 0.0) He is also the only child in his family who was born naturally -- in other words, his sisters are all test tube babies. As a child, Quatre is rather impetuous and quite resentful of his father. After he meets the Maguanacs and pilots Sandrock for the first time, his attitude begins to change.

Wufei Chang
Colony: L6
Gundam: Nataku
Personality: Wufei is (how can I say this without getting all feminist about it?...), well, sexist. He believes that all women are weak and shouldn't fight. He also has a strong -- albeit, slightly warped -- sense of justice. Justice is to Wufei as clompeting a mission is to Heero. As part of his sense of justice, Wufei will not fight those whom he considers as weak (and, therefore, won't fight women...) Wufei is also rather irritable. However, once you get past his chauvenism and irritability (and figure out his sense of justice), he's not so bad.
Past: Okay, for all those of you who didn't know, prepare to be shocked: *Drumroll* Wufei had a wife! Her name was Meiran, and she was a true warrior. However, she died in battle. Hence, Wufei's belief that women are weak and shouldn't fight. He nicknamed her 'Nataku' and would later bestow that name unto his Gundam. Anyhoo, Wufei's deceased wife was the cause of many of his trademark characteristics, including his odd sense of justice.


Sakura Avalon
Relatives: Tory
Love Interests: Li, Julien, and, to some people, Yue
Personality: Sakura is outgoing and very energetic. She is good at sports, though she is best at gymnastics. However, she is also pretty clumsy. Mostly, Sakura is just your average fourth grade girl.

Li Shyaoran
Relatives: Clow Reed
Love Interests: Sakura
Personality: Li is serious and kinda moody. When he first arrives in Readington, he is also rather dark and agressive. However, as the show continues, he lightens up a little and begins to open up to Sakura and her friends. At first, Li doesn't like Sakura. He sees her as competition and an usurper of his rightful position (since he is a descendant of Clow Reed.) Eventually, though, he learns to work with her and really starts to care about her.

Madison Taylor
Relatives: None
Love Interests: None
Personality: Madison is very enthusiastic about Sakura's position as the Cardcaptor. She is also really into video cameras. Consequently, Madison is often found video taping Sakura and her card captures. Madison also has great fashion sense, and designs most of Sakura's battle costumes. As well, Madison's also kind of a ditz... 

Meilin Rae
Relatives: None
Love Interests: Li Shyaoran
Personality: Meilin is very possessive of Li, and quite jealous of Sakura. During much of the series, Meilin constantly tries to upstage Sakura and prevent anyone else from laying claim to Li. However, by the end of the first season, Meilin becomes friends with Sakura and they part of good terms.

Kero (Keroberos) the Guardian Beast
Relatives: None
Love Interests: None
Personality: Kero is very hyper and energetic, and hates to be called a stuffed animal (consequently, he doesn't get along well with Li.) He loves junk food, and prefers pudding over anything else. However, despite these qualities, Kero is very good at his job of keeping track of Sakura.

Relatives: None
Love Interests: None
Personality: Yue is very serious and aloof. He doesn't say much and is rather distant. However, he is also very protective of Sakura and her friends. Not to mention, crazed fangirls go nuts over him... *tries to look innocent*

Relatives: None
Love Interests: Sakura
Personality: Julien is softspoken and sweet. He also happens to be Yue's alter-ego. Because he's fuelling both himself and Yue, Julien has an abnormally large appetite (basically, he can't seem to stop eating...) He's really laid-back and easy-going.

Tory Avalon
Relatives: Sakura
Love Interests: None
Personality: Tory is very protective of his sister and quite close to Julien. He can't seem to hold down a job and, incidentally, winds up in many of the places that Sakura does (often getting in the way of a card capture and, therefore, contributing to the plot-line.) He seems to be a Jack-of-all-trades kinda guy, as he winds up doing many different types of jobs.

Yay! Characters!